Easily Download Your Fitment to Excel Format

myFitment provides several report layouts that allow you to get your hands on your fitment in Excel format for bulk editing and other uses.

Microsoft Excel enables you to view and manipulate fitment information in bulk, when necessary. Rather than force users to perform repetitive processes in a user interface, myFitment is focused on making the management of your fitment business asset as efficient as possible.

Navigate to the Reports menu item to view a list of reports that can be run that will give you your fitment in an easy-to-use format.

You can experiment with different reports to find one that is right for you. And if you don’t see a format that works for you, don’t panic! Contact myFitment Support and let us know what you need. If we think it is something that will benefit other customers, we will add the new format at no charge to you. If it is determined to be more of a custom job, we can create the format for you for an affordable fee. Try us!