Copy Fitment Directly Into Your eBay Listings From Any Seller

Perhaps myFitment’s most popular feature is Copy Fitment. eBay users can copy fitment from any eBay listing, directly into your own listings. It’s extremely simple, and it represents a huge value in terms of cost savings and time to market.

Likewise, you can copy fitment and modify it to fit your needs. All you need is the eBay Item ID:

Simply click the “down arrow” icon next to the listing you want to copy to, then enter the Item ID:

The fitment from that listing will be copied directly into your listing within seconds. This feature works for:

  1. Car & Truck
  2. Motorcycles
  3. Boats
  4. Scooters
  5. Golf Carts
  6. Snowmobiles
  7. ATVs

If you are a seller of 3rd party brands, you have an excellent chance of getting your listings up much more quickly by utilizing this feature.